If there’s one show that we look forward to because of the cause and the community, its the No Regrets Toy Drive and Car Show. This by far is one of our many favorites and has been our go to show every year since 2011. With the cool, cold Georgia mountain air the show was probably the biggest we’ve seen it! The whole back lot of Auto Metal Direct was full from one end to the other of show vehicles ranging from classics to imports and mini trucks. Everyone came together bringing in donations filling up several big boxes full of toys and stuffed animals for all the local children. To top it off, with the money raised at the show and auction, the club took those funds and went shopping after the show to buy even more toys to donate! We want to thank everyone that came out to the show and brought in donations. Another thanks goes out to our friends in No Regrets for once again putting on another great show and for everything that they continue to do for the local communities. This rounds out our show season for 2024 and it couldn’t have ended on a better note and show. See everyone in 2025!
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